I am feeling more like myself now... my previous blogs have been few and infrequent and when I have blogged its been more venting/whining and less of the good stuff!
ohh well, life is a bit of everything isn't it, and how boring to always blog about the same thing.
The other day I had a funny thought! I put my jeans on, the ones that used to be my goal jeans (on a hanger in a visible place, way to small, yet they were motivation for the day, saying "Unnur, you can do it! one day you will wear me and I will look good on you!")and when I looked in the mirror with my goal jeans on I realized they were saggy... and my first thought was "WHO MADE MY JEANS TOO BIG! darn scientists!" (in my head I had a mental image of my jeans going through some machine, the oposite of a shrinking mashine...) but after that thought escaped my unconcious brain and surfaced to concious thought level I realized how stupid it was... I still have a hard time realizing/understanding that I really have lost 13kg... I am still overweight in my mind. I mean... I am still overweight, but only by 5kg now instead of 18kg.
Yay for life!
Yay for you!! I throw all my can't fit them jeans away and when my current jeans get too big I go buy new ones! I found after having Alexander my "before" clothes made me depressed so I threw them all away hahahahaha I know its not being very economical doing it that way but it makes me look and feel better. I LOVE your progress without realizing it!
I used to buy my pants one size too big because I liked them loose. Now only a couple pair fit me and all the other ones are too small. so sad. i need to try this goal pants idea you speak of...
good work unnur!
haha, Miriam, I love you! you make me laugh! I really need to buy new ones now though.. the ones I have are all too big and only one pair is non-damaged from being worn too much... and the non-damaged ones are only non-damaged because I alredy fixed them...
Xaque my dear friend, pant size doesn't matter one bit when you have the most beautiful wife in the world and a brand new baby boy!! :D ...actually, pant size should never matter.... heart size should though!
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