Wednesday, November 12, 2008

things got so much better!!

Our broke down kitchen (and the rest of broke down stuff in our life) was back to normal within 48 hours, we got a new fridge! I mean, NEW, it could have been our beloved late fridges great grandson/daughter....whatever gender our fridge is...I haven't it for free from an amazingly awesome guy I used to go to school with, I love old friends!!

you know what else I love?.... LIFE!! love it!!

there are so many chances just hangin' about waiting for us to grab them, chances to serve other, which by the way is so much fun!! chances to learn, to teach, to grow, to make a difference, to fall in love. A couple of my amazing and beautiful roommates went to the pool with me the other night, just to sit in the hot tub and talk and relax. When we got there I felt like I was at BYU again, the tub was FULL of people my age, crampackedfull! we got in anyways and started conversing and relaxing. Soon people started getting out cuz it was getting late, and then this guy from Slovakia invited us to sit with him and his friends and talk for a bit. He was mega good looking but a little too much in love with himself, so yeah, I just tried to ignore his appearance, but he did say one thing that was really cool. We have all heard it before but I don't think I have ever had a conversation arround this topic before, he said "if you knew you were going to die tomorrow would you do the things you did today?" and then he added " if you go to work and clean your house even though thats probably not what you would voluntarily do if you were about to die, thats ok, but if you do that for forever and never give yourself the chance to enjoy life, to feel joy, then what is the point?" so I was like, yeah!! and from then on I decided that whatever I do, be it work, housework, callings, hanging out with friends or whatever...I am going to try my best to enjoy it as much as possible!

Man is that he might have joy!(or something like that) right?!

being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it means looking beyond the imperfections.

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