but I didn't...
I wanted to vent, and let it all out. I wrote the blog, I posted it, then I deleted it.
Sorry Miriam, if you want I can send it to you via email. I just decided I don't really want the whole world to know how disfunctional I feel at the moment. Thing is I will soon feel better, and then I will regret having ever put my shiz on display for everyone.
It wouldn't be fair to the people involved either. Just because I am feeling bad because of someone else, doesn't mean that person knows they did anything to hurt me... and perhaps I should let them know before I tell the whole world. It's the nice thing to do.
I am trying to follow elder Wirthlins advice. Just laugh. Laugh and pray and trust in God. As long as the future is bright, even if its only in my mind, things are bound to end well. I don't mind being ignorant if it means I can be happy, if I can wake up and smile for no good reason. I take that option.
Dear Unnur,
I love you!! Daniel told me yesterday there is a silver lining in everything. Hopefully he is right. Oh and um I already read the vent!! AHH I follow your blog via google reader so who ever follows your blog might have access to it. It sent through anyway, although you may have posted it right when I opened up my reader cause I tried to click on it and it said it didn't exist. Love you Unnur. You are a smart girl and you will do right!
I had access to your heart. Wow, you feel in profound ways. I am glad you shared (sorry it was not intended to be read, too late) I feel inspired to feel more freely. You are so good and wise and you will find real, GOOD, love. I am glad I know you and I look forward to seeing you, soon.
thank you ladies. Its ok that you saw and read the post. I am not ashamed about anything I wrote in there. I just didn't want to leave it on the internet for time and all eternity. hugs to both of you :)
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