Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A single life, use it well!

There are so many weirdos out there! How the heck am I supposed to stay motivated to find someone, or even want to find someone when there are so many really seriously weird men out there?
Right now I am making plans, turning a garage into my own place, it will be small, but it will be just what I need. Next week I am digging so that we can get some plumbing done, and then we need to get a shower, toilet and sinks in there, after that there are just some minor things that need fixing and I am going to make a kitchen, and a bed frame. Check out a few of my inspirations here. After I move in I plan on getting my first car. With all this going on... I sort of feel content, and excited for life... a life where men are not the center of my universe and I don't waste any time on idiots.
I feel perfectly calm and happy about life, it's sort of wonderful.
Some day, if it feels right, I might change my mind, but it will take someone extra special.


MoBo said...

Great Stuff! What wonderful Adventures! sounds exciting!!! I too find a need to motivate myself into ... wanting to get married XD haha I am a sinner I know, but I am working on it ^_^

hehehehehehe the way I do it is by watching Korean Dramas!!!! hahahahahahahhah they are soooooo cute!! I know they are fictitious, but I look at my sisters and see that its not necessarily too far from the truth ^_^ hahaha

So Fun!

Unifer said...

hahah you and your sisters are wonderful!!
og stundum er bara miklu betra að vera einhleypur!! fewer worries, more freedom! awesome for now!!

Characato said...

Oh my living heck! A girl with a brain! Please don't
Take it the wrong way babe, its just great to find a good looking girl with a great smile who is smart. This is a compliment in case you are wondering;)

Anonymous said...

Lately I have been meeting some really weird guys too, and me makes me question can there really be someone out there for me? haha So I have decided to not stress over it and just have fun and enjoy life