Friday, July 25, 2014

Keeping Life Balanced

There's been a lot going on since J and I have been on our parental leave. We started by going to a summer house with my side of the family for a week, then we built a bedroom and just barely put the door in before our house guests came over. Our good friends are staying with us for a couple of weeks and will be housesitting for us when we leave for England to visit J's side of the family. It will be our first flight with little T-man and I think I probably should be more worried than I am... I am so not worried right now.
Anyways, with everything that's going on I totally forgot to keep my life balanced. My house was a mess, my fridge was empty, my legs were hairy. But I finished a few scarves and just need to make some finishing touches to a few more. It is amazing how you can make something little by little when you have a moment here and a moment there in between mother son times. I wish it were as easy to get translating done little by little... that stuff takes focus! But it's still coming along as well. I am so glad my boys are happy through all of this though and we have made some lovely family memories. 

Here is a little sneak peak at what will be on Etsy soon. I haven't decided if I want to put them up before our England trip or wait until September when I have better photos thanks to a whole host of fabulous photographers. If you have an opinion feel free to let me know.
Anyways, heres a little taste of what is to come.

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