Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BEWARE! candy will take over your life!!

I can see how being fat and a good student who also has a bit of a social life goes well together... whenever I study, I need chocolate just to keep me going... say I study for 3 hours a day 6 days a week (which is easy to do with the amount of reading I have to do) I eat candy for 18 hours a week at least... say I also eat cookies and cakes and drink soda and eat fast food when I hang out with friends, which I do about 4 nights a week, lets add 4 hours worth of candy eating to that list. that makes 22 hours of candy eating a week. Usually I have cookies on Sundays so lets add another 30min of candy eating to that list, that makes 22,5 hours. Also on Saturdays you can buy candy with 50% off so lets add another hour and 1/2 for that. That makes 24 hours a week. Now lets stop counting, cuz I feel gross.
Now I dont eat candy while I do my makeup and shower in the morning which usually takes about an hour or hour and a half. I sleep for 8 hours a night and I don't remember ever eating candy in my sleep. so for nine and a half hours a day I dont eat candy, lets add another 30 minutes to that for bathroom time, cuz eating candy while sitting on the crapper is just sick! Also I don't eat candy while on the bus to and from school wich takes about two hours (no joke!) so for 12 hours a day I am not eating candy... so if we split these 24 hours of candy eating up into two days, I could be eating candy for two days, 12 hours a day. thats sick!
I don't do that.....


MiriamR said...

Icelandic candy is just so good though! I imagine I would be eating it alot yum now i want licorice cover in chocolate

Kimberly Gochnour said...

I wouldn't judge you if you did. And I may be worse than you :)

sirrysif said...

I eat candy on the crapper all the time... já já, mörg ár ;)