Friday, March 11, 2011

ohh the memories :D

sometimes being sick and stuck in bed isn't the worst thing... last night I was really bored and feeling like crap so I went looking for movies to watch and found "love and basketball". YAY!!! so I thought I would just watch bits and pieces because I remembered I loved it back when it came out. But then once I started watching it I realized how much I LOVE that movie... not so much the movie itself but the memories it brings back. The way I used to feel about basketball and R&B and hip hop and how I felt like I was born in the wrong body (not as in "I should have been a born a guy"... but like "I should have been born black"). It was around the time when I had my first kiss and going to Wendy's and the skating rink on the NATO base was SO exciting!! I didn't know how to put on makeup and I thought clothes made out of baby blue and baby pink fake leather (plastic) and white jeans were cool... puke!
ohh and do you remember Lucy Pearl!?! I do!!


star bush said...

how can i follow this blog? i like it!!

MiriamR said...

I love lucy pearl! Daniel and I went with the kids to the park last night and brought the basketball and shot some hoops. It brought back memories, especially because the last time I shot hoops was probably with you!

I remember those days, so fun and so magical sort of :)